A Culture that speaks a thousand words

Term 4 has started with a celebration in every class, an amazing ‘WOW Day’ for each year group.

This tradition of having a positive start to a new term and a new learning theme, has become the norm, the thing we do; part of our culture at MCC.

What other things can we describe this way – as being part of our culture? What will students one day, in the future, refer to as “the thing we always did at our school”.

Such a reference can only be made if that ‘thing’ was part of the true culture in a community, not just words in a motto or brochure, but something that was embedded; it was the accepted way of doing things for everyone. As our Year Six students say goodbye to the Primary Campus, at the end of the year we hope their memories will be linked to an appreciation for the MCC culture. We hope that they will speak fondly of their experiences, their teachers, and their learning. We hope they will look back with gratitude for being part of this school community.

Antoinette Wilson (Head of Primary)